My Washi Tape Collection

My Washi Tape Collection at - Eliston Button - That Crafty Kid

Hello there Buttoneers! Today I want to share with you one of my crafty loves obsessions. Washi Tape. Now, most of you have probably heard of Washi tape, but for those who haven’t here is a short explanation.

Washi tape is originally from Japan and made from plant fibres from a paper mulberry shrub but is now more commonly made with mulches of plants like rice or bamboo. The name comes from ‘Wa’ meaning Japanese and ‘shi’ meaning tape.

My Washi Tape Collection at - Eliston Button - That Crafty Kid

Currently, I store my Washi tape in these clip-close tubs. They are easy to access, look good through the sides and this makes it easy to see what I’ve got for a new project. I use Washi tape for all sorts of projects from decorating greetings cards to covering a tin can for a fancy pen pot. I have even been known to edge some of my studio furniture with it to add a pop of colour. And the great thing is, that it is a bit like masking tape so I can swap and change it as much as I like without damaging any surfaces. Also it doesn’t leave a horrible sticky residue that most tapes leave after application, but it will still stick down and look super pretty! 

My Washi Tape Collection at - Eliston Button - That Crafty Kid

I am a bit of a Washi tape hoarder collecting enthusiast to be honest and just can’t resist a new colour or design if I spot one. Most of my washi tapes I have bought online at Etsy or Amazon as it wasn’t as popular when I first discovered it. Now I am spotting more and more in shops around the UK from local craft shops to Hobbycraft or even some gift shops. I love finding new ones in the most unexpected of shops, like the wide ‘Love’ one from Ikea! This pretty much blew my mind as I am obsessed with Ikea and Washi tape!!

My Washi Tape Collection at - Eliston Button - That Crafty Kid

I have so many different designs but if I discover a new shop or online washi dwelling I am a goner! I literally have to prise myself away from the computer otherwise I am poor for the rest of the month – I have no self-control when it comes to this tape. I am a super organised person as you can see in the Eliston Button Headquarters but I definitely need to organise my Washi Tape a bit better. Maybe even in to colour groups. Well – you know what I am like! 

My Washi Tape Collection at - Eliston Button - That Crafty Kid

My Washi Tape Collection at - Eliston Button - That Crafty Kid

My Washi Tape Collection at - Eliston Button - That Crafty Kid

My Washi Tape Collection at - Eliston Button - That Crafty Kid

My Washi Tape Collection at - Eliston Button - That Crafty Kid

My Washi Tape Collection at - Eliston Button - That Crafty Kid

My Washi Tape Collection at - Eliston Button - That Crafty Kid

Although, saying that, I do have a bit of a system (of course I do) when it comes to being able to see what Washi tapes I have and which I want to use for a project. Sometimes Washi tapes are worded or the pattern changes around the tape. I like to organise and sort of catalogue my tape so I can see the tape from the trees a bit more!

This is my Washi tape and handmade stamp journal. 

My Washi Tape Collection at - Eliston Button - That Crafty Kid

When I buy save a new tape, I rip a bit off and stick it into this pretty little book (that I may have edged each page with a Washi tape too) and make sure all of the design is in there. This way I can see it all clearly and make creative decisions on which ones to use or even better, flick through and find inspiration! 

My Washi Tape Collection at - Eliston Button - That Crafty Kid

The mint coloured one below is one of my favourites (not that I can have real favourites of course!) It is so useful and makes a great reminder…especially near Birthdays or Christmas! He he! It is by K&Company for their Smash range. 

My Washi Tape Collection at - Eliston Button - That Crafty Kid

The tapes on the left hand page are Fabric versions of the tape. They are fab for all sorts of projects and add a great fabric texture to something that wouldn’t normally have fabric on it. I have used them to edge the top of my bookcases to add colour and prettiness and have also sealed envelopes with it before.

My Washi Tape Collection at - Eliston Button - That Crafty Kid

I am a huge lover of the bright colours and the pretty florals. I love the sunshine yellow candy stripes and the orange chevrons mixed with the pretty pink polka dots and floral prints.

My Washi Tape Collection at - Eliston Button - That Crafty Kid

My Washi Tape Collection at - Eliston Button - That Crafty Kid

I am so fond of the little yellow dancing panda one too! I love pandas, so buying this one was a total no-brainer for me! Also, if I carve a handmade stamp I will print it in here to keep a log of what I have made (I should also probably do this for my other stamps too as an easy go-to guide)

My Washi Tape Collection at - Eliston Button - That Crafty Kid

My Washi Tape Collection at - Eliston Button - That Crafty Kid

My Washi Tape Collection at - Eliston Button - That Crafty Kid

I adore the one that looks like an old wooden school ruler and the orange and purple triangle design. This one looks like the pattern is right onto the page as the non coloured parts are transparent. The aqua coloured one with the date sections is perfect for scrapbooking too and I use this at the start of my journaling a lot. 

My Washi Tape Collection at - Eliston Button - That Crafty Kid

Aren’t they all so super pretty!? I love them all a stupid amount and am always on the lookout for unusual or different patterns. There really are some beautiful designs out there and I have to have so much self-control to not save them all and let them all live happily ever after in my Washi tub! 

Can you think of a crafty way to store my Washi tape so I can see them all but keep them dust free? Have you used Washi tape to create anything fabulous? I would love to hear all about it! 

Keep an eye out on the blog as I plan to make a few tutorials and show you some of my existing projects all using Washi tape so you can become just as enthusiastic about Washi as me! Yeay! 

Meet me for a chat with a cup of tea in the comments below. I’ll click the kettle on! 

Love Rachel signature - That Crafty Kid, Creative Entrepreneur and Head Buttoneer at

6 thoughts on “My Washi Tape Collection

  1. Oh my gosh, I am SO JEALOUS of your collection! I have a relatively strict no-buying things ban going on until I move home again in October, so I own exactly two rolls of washi tape, and it makes me really sad. I know that I Heart Organizing has a really neat Washi Tape storage system.. maybe go search the blog?
    Excited to see your projects!
    xx Johanna

    • Wow! Thank you so much Johanna! I love the stuff and so glad it’s not just me! Will have a look over at that site (I follow them but maybe after the washi storage posts!) and get some ideas. Thanks for sharing and coming over to say hi 🙂

  2. Pingback: Washi Tape Bunting Tutorial | Eliston Button

  3. Pingback: Workspace Wednesday – New Washi Tape | Eliston Button

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