Around Here…April 2015

Around - Eliston Button - That Crafty Kid

Hello there lovely Buttoneers! Can you believe that we are in May already! It is totally crazy pants how fast this year is going but on the other hand how much has happened to fill you all in on since Around Here…March 2015! (This seems like just yesterday!) 

I had a little weeks blog hiatus last week due to being a little stressed and burnt out from keeping my head above water with the Create 28 blog challenge doses of crafty goodness (I swear if I ever in a million years complete this challenge the round-up post will be twice the size of the ’27 Before 27′ one!)

Anyhoo, I start ranting now it will be a whole new post entirely! Hehe! Here is what has been going on…

Around Here…I always look out for these two friends on my way to Broadway Tower! The sheep and deer duo are my favourite and they always stick together! They let me get nice and close for a photo and I was super grateful as they are so sweet. They were the only two left in the field! 

The moon looked amazing right at the start of the month and I was equally amazed at the ability of my new camera to be able to capture it in such detail, including its crater! Gold star Nikon…Gold Star. 

I discovered this ‘Bust of Zeus’ at a local garden centre that I hadn’t explored before! Can you imagine the expanse of garden you would have to have to make this look remotely at home!? 

Primroses! These beauties were dug up and re-potted (by my lovely Mum) when we moved so that we could take a bit of colour with us for the new garden. I was sure they had all died but discovered them all smiling back up at me at the start of the month. Did I mention that I have this thing about Springtime?

Around Here…I launched my Picture Bead Coasters into the Eliston Button Etsy Shop after months of trying to find something suitable for my big mugs of tea and coffee. I am really thrilled with how they turned out and equally as thrilled that I was able to re-create them for Create 28. 

I discovered that the best thing about your family going to France was the yummy goodies they brought me back to go with a cup of tea! Hello taste of France…You my love, are my favourite:)

This month the fresh daffodils were bought in bulk for around our house every fortnight. They brightened up my kitchen, living room and hall way with their ever changing types bought from the supermarket for £1 a bunch and lasted the full two weeks before I grabbed some more bunches (I must remember this as soon as they appear next year!) They were my happy flowers for this month and pretty sure I used his to my advantage in a lot of my Instagram photographs! Also, Do you remember that ‘Home Button Home’ word tutorial? It is still going strong in my living room! 

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