Photo-a-Day – December 2014

Photo-a-Day November 2014 at - Eliston Button - That Crafty Kid

Hello there my lovely Buttoneers! If you didn’t catch my last post on New Year’s Eve then a massive Happy New Year! I can’t believe we are full swing into Two Thousand and Fifteen! Crazy pants! 

Anyhoo, today I wanted to be out with the old and in with the new and share my photo-a-day round-up for the last month in 2014 – December. You can find my other Photo-a-Day round-ups here.

Photo-a-Day – December 2014 at - Eliston Button - That Crafty Kid

It was a crazy year for me and December was the busiest by far. I explain all in my Merry Christmas post. I was so worried that I would be flying around trying to get everything done before Christmas, at home and on the blog, that I wouldn’t have time to document it all. But, alas! Photo-a-Day saved the day again and by taking a moment of my time to snap a quick photograph for each prompt I was able to capture the magic and chaos of my December.  

I just love that even in the depths of a hectic and stressful month; I was able to take a moment each day to recognise the beauty around me that ordinarily I would have missed. 

Here is my December 2014…

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