Create 28 – No. 9&10 – Picture Bead Coasters

Create 28 – a new Eliston Button Blog Challenge! at - Eliston Button - That Crafty Kid

Hello lovely Buttoneers! Here we are at Create 28 time again! Hooray! If you have no idea what I am talking about (Hello there newbie Buttoneer!) You can catch up on my Create 28 craft blog challenge…go on…I’ll wait.

Okay, so here we are at No.9&10 – can you believe it!? As a part of my blog challenge I wanted to create a few things for the Eliston Button Etsy Shop that were not just pretty to look at but were useful too. Things that served a purpose and perhaps solved a problem or filled a gap of something I needed but couldn’t find. Well…No.9&10 is just that. Since moving house I have been on the hunt for some good coasters and am yet to find any that are ‘us’ or that are unique or unlike the last set I bought, are not particularly wipe clean friendly – oops! 

Voilà! I thought – I shall make my own and this is where the idea for these handmade mug-holding, table-saving doses of crafty goodness came from!

Create 28 – No. 9&10 – Picture Bead Coasters at - Eliston Button - That Crafty Kid

Okay, before I get started I think I have to be honest with you all. This is just a selection of my reject pile.

Now, if you have ever made anything yourself, then you will have probably had a reject or two until you get the hang of it or manage to master the art.

I have never had so many rejects, or spent this much time trying to perfect something! Jeez…I either added too much heat, or not enough. I either loved the design but then hated it once fused together or ended up pulling the design off the ironing paper too soon and messing the whole thing up (the downside of being a total perfectionist and totally impatient all in one!) But, alas! I mastered it in the end and am jolly well proud of my finished pieces and I learnt a lot along the way! I guess it is true what they say; it’s not the destination and all that. 

Create 28 – No. 9&10 – Picture Bead Coasters at - Eliston Button - That Crafty Kid

On the up side – look at all of the reject coasters I have now! That’s almost one for every cup of tea or coffee I have in a morning! 😉

Anyhoo, on with the show! Don’t you hate it when you have a large mug of tea or coffee and the mug is too big for a regular coaster!? Me too! (Gosh we are sooo the same, we should definitely go for coffee and cake sometime!) This is how these larger than average coasters came to be created. 

Create 28 – No. 9&10 – Picture Bead Coasters at - Eliston Button - That Crafty Kid

No. 9 – large picture and Hama bead patterned coasters – One is royal blue with crisp white and the other is lavender purple with crisp white detail. Each of the two large coasters (These will be available in a set of 2) were hand designed by me using picture and Hama beads on a circular peg board. The design flows organically around the centre bead almost like petals on a flower before branching off into a symmetrical bold pattern. Each coaster was held under the right amount of heat and pressure to carefully fuse the beads together 

Create 28 – No. 9&10 – Picture Bead Coasters at - Eliston Button - That Crafty Kid Continue reading