Create 28 – No.24 & 25 – Quilted Ball Decorations

Create 28 – a new Eliston Button Blog Challenge! at - Eliston Button - That Crafty Kid

Hello there lovely Buttoneers! Here I am, back as promised in the last instalment of my Create 28 blog challenge – Typographic Quote Illustrations, with the second in a double whammy Create 28 week. Do you remember waaaaay back at the very beginning of this crafty little corner of the bloggerverse? Right back when I created a tutorial for Quilted Baubles? Well, since then, not only is it one of my most viewed blog posts, but many, many of you have asked if I will ever make them to sell as you don’t have the time/resources/inclination to make them. 

Originally, I always answered this question with a resounding “NO”. I love them, don’t get me wrong, they might actually be one of my favourite things to make, but they take hours to make and even though it is a seriously rewarding outcome, your fingers and thumbs hurt from pushing in all of those pins! 

Anyhoo, things changed. At the beginning of 2015 – January 13th to be precise (Lucky me!)…

I made a rather un-thought-out, not-at-all-planned selling of my soul announcement, that I would be going on 28 crafty adventures for the Eliston Button Etsy Shop before I turned 28 in June…

This forced me to create a list of ideas. How could I not add these beauties to the list!? They would have felt so left out! 

So, without further ado and because I have a lot of love for you all and your feedback/requests…No.24 & 25 in my Create 28 blog challenge is…Quilted Ball Decorations! 

Create 28 – No. 24 & 25 – Quilted Ball Decorations at - Eliston Button - That Crafty Kid

40 squares of fabric, 209 metal pins and a lot of crafty goodness makes up this eye-catching and unusual quilted fabric hanging decoration. Perfect for any time of the year as a beautiful splash of rich colour in to any room but especially lovely at (but definitely not limited to) Christmas time due to its traditional colour palette of rich red and crisp white. 

Create 28 – No. 24 & 25 – Quilted Ball Decorations at - Eliston Button - That Crafty Kid

Each square of fabric was lovingly folded and quilted into shape and secured with a pin to a central polystyrene ball in each section to make sure they have a strong hold. The fabric was carefully selected for its vibrancy and 100% cotton properties to give a bright star pattern and a clean crisp fold line.

Create 28 – No. 24 & 25 – Quilted Ball Decorations at - Eliston Button - That Crafty Kid

The polystyrene ball in the centre means that the hanging ball decoration is super lightweight with the fabric giving it enough weight to hang beautifully from the ribbon. 

Create 28 – No. 24 & 25 – Quilted Ball Decorations at - Eliston Button - That Crafty Kid

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