Create 28 – No. 16, 17 & 18 – Sea and Sky Painted Canvases

Create 28 – a new Eliston Button Blog Challenge! at - Eliston Button - That Crafty Kid

Hello lovely Buttoneers! Since the very beginning of my Create 28 ideas, I envisioned a mix of art and crafts and handmade goodness that I could play around with, decide what crafty makes would survive my harsh inner-critic, which projects I loved and which projects I loathed. Amongst my great vision of ideas (most of which were seriously crazy pants, especially in the time frame!) I always imagined I would return to painting. I loved painting whilst I studied art and design at college.

I loved the therapeutic processes, the smell of the paints, the daunting blank canvas, the deliberate brush strokes against the textured surface and the sense of accomplishment at the finish line. I loved the idea that you have created a small piece of your imagination out there for all to see, the slither of your soul laid bare in colour and movement…

I knew I had to dust off my easel, grab my paintbrushes out of the old jam jar pot and explore the possibilities…This in turn became its own mini collection of paintings, that I am truly proud of (so much so that I almost kept them for myself!)

Create 28 – No. 16, 17 & 18 – Sea and Sky Painted Canvases at - Eliston Button - That Crafty Kid

First up is ‘Summer Skies’…

You lie back onto a picnic blanket in the long grass and gaze up towards the bright blue sky filled with summer haze and white fluffy, wispy clouds. You take a deep breath of fresh air into the top of your lungs, you breathe out all of your worries and troubles that float on the breeze away from your own little piece of heaven.

Create 28 – No. 16, 17 & 18 – Sea and Sky Painted Canvases at - Eliston Button - That Crafty Kid

That is exactly the feeling I wanted to bottle up and keep forever! Instead I tried to capture the essence of a summer sky and everything that it brings to mind.

Each brush stroke has been lovingly and deliberately swished across the textured canvas to capture the depth and colour of a dreamy summer sky. Each wisp of cloud carefully placed to pool in a sea of blue tones and shades to create a calm effect across the whole piece. Continue reading