Photo-a-Day – September 2014

Photo-a-Day September 2014 at - Eliston Button - That Crafty Kid

Hello my lovely Buttoneers! I can’t believe how fast this last month has gone and here we are at my September Photo-a-Day round-up! If you are a newbie Buttoneer, grab a cup of tea and catch up with my previous Photo-a-Day blog posts

If you have been following me on Instagram or maybe even Twitter, then you may have seen that I have been taking part in Fat Mum Slim’s Photo-a-day Challenge.

Photo-a-Day September 2014 Round-Up at - Eliston Button - That Crafty Kid

September’s Photo-a-Day prompts were slightly different as they were all suggested by people who play along with the monthly prompts. I found that this made them a bit more challenging and fun. I think this is because they were generally totally different to previous prompts rather than a variation. I went into the months photos with an open mind and found I enjoyed the prompts a lot more than when I get stressed about keeping up. 

Most of my September photographs reflected where I was located at that time. Whether it was in the studio at the start of the month, to watching the Tour of Britain cycle race whizz through my hometown, to the first little signs of autumn, to my break away to The Great British Seaside and rounding off the month back at home. I feel like the month came around full circle!

I know I say it every month but, I am love that each month I can document my life and the world around me through a simple photo prompt each day.

Something that takes a few minutes each day leaves me with a month of memories at the end…

Here is my September 2014 in a Photo-a-Day…

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The Great British Seaside (and an Eliston Button Autumn Sale)

The Great British Seaside (and an Eliston Button Autumn Sale) at - Eliston Button - That Crafty Kid


Hello there my lovely Buttoneers! How was your weekend? I am still singing…

“Oh I do like to be beside the seaside, Oh I do like to be beside the sea…”

as last weekend my fiancé and I jumped in the car and went for a much needed mini break away to the seaside. I love Weston-Super-Mare. I love that it is a proper and totally stereotypical great British seaside. I love the magic of the place. I love the old fashioned seaside feel you get when you stroll along the seafront. I love the donkeys on the beach. I love the sound of the amusements on the Grand Pier. I love the smell of doughnuts and candy floss and the salty sea air on my face and in my hair. I love the sounds of the seagulls and the taste of the ice cream. I love the seaside. 

Especially when the view from our hotel room was just perfect…

The Great British Seaside (and an Eliston Button Autumn Sale) at - Eliston Button - That Crafty Kid

The Great British Seaside (and an Eliston Button Autumn Sale) at - Eliston Button - That Crafty Kid

I love the Grand Pier at Weston-Super-Mare. It is beautifully tacky, just like the seaside should be. It is iconic and well designed and it makes me feel like I am five years old with a handful of 2 pence coins clutched in my chubby little fingers ready for the amusement machines!

The Great British Seaside (and an Eliston Button Autumn Sale) at - Eliston Button - That Crafty Kid Continue reading