Photo a Day – April 2014

Photo-a-Day April 2014 at - Eliston Button - That Crafty Kid

Hello there Buttoneers! If you have been following me on Instagram or maybe even Twitter, then you may have seen that for the second time this year I have been taking part in Fat Mum Slim’s Photo-a-day Challenge

Day 00 - April Prompts

I am still thoroughly enjoying this challenge and love how it pushes me think outside the box. This month I found that the prompts were a bit trickier than last months (Photo a Day – March 2014)

I loved that by just taking a minute or two out of my day, I was documenting the world around me and some of my favourite things.

The challenge to think of a new and creative way to compose each photo prompt was the fun part! Some prompts I struggled with for a while, some I knew instantly, but mainly I was proud of my photograph and took time to play around with composition and negative space. The best part is that it only takes a few moments of your busy day and yet you can not only feel a part of something by following the hashtag #fmsphotoaday, but keep the creative juices flowing! 

Here is my April 2014 in a Photo-a-Day…

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