Photo a Day – April 2014

Photo-a-Day April 2014 at - Eliston Button - That Crafty Kid

Hello there Buttoneers! If you have been following me on Instagram or maybe even Twitter, then you may have seen that for the second time this year I have been taking part in Fat Mum Slim’s Photo-a-day Challenge

Day 00 - April Prompts

I am still thoroughly enjoying this challenge and love how it pushes me think outside the box. This month I found that the prompts were a bit trickier than last months (Photo a Day – March 2014)

I loved that by just taking a minute or two out of my day, I was documenting the world around me and some of my favourite things.

The challenge to think of a new and creative way to compose each photo prompt was the fun part! Some prompts I struggled with for a while, some I knew instantly, but mainly I was proud of my photograph and took time to play around with composition and negative space. The best part is that it only takes a few moments of your busy day and yet you can not only feel a part of something by following the hashtag #fmsphotoaday, but keep the creative juices flowing! 

Here is my April 2014 in a Photo-a-Day…

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Workspace Wednesday – Minion Madness (with video!)

'Workspace Wednesday' at - Eliston Button - That Crafty Kid

Workspace Wednesday ‘Minion Madness’  at - Eliston Button - That Crafty Kid

As a great stocking filler prezzie at Christmas my parents gave me this little guy to make as they know my love for these little minions and my love of Lego. This kit is actually made by Loz® and is called Diamond Blocks and before you get stressed at the similarity to Lego, I should tell you that these are tiny at a mere 5mm tall! They are adorable! So, he has been on my workspace this week…

Workspace Wednesday ‘Minion Madness’  at - Eliston Button - That Crafty Kid

Workspace Wednesday ‘Minion Madness’  at - Eliston Button - That Crafty Kid

I thoroughly enjoyed following the instructions and putting him together layer by layer. This got a bit tricky as the pieces are so small but I persevered and after re-starting a couple of times, got into the swing of it and started concentrating a bit more!  It took a long time to build but it was great fun and lovely to do something a bit different. Check out this mini time-lapse video of the build… Continue reading